Climate risk and vulnerability assessment for fishery-solar PV in Taiwan

Published September 2024 

Everoze has delivered its second climate risk and vulnerability assessment for New Green Power, this time for a fishery-solar PV project in Taiwan.

The methodology applied in the Climate Risk Assessment is aligned with the EU Taxonomy and Equator Principles and the climate data was verified against reputable local sources in Taiwan. The goal of the climate risk assessment was to evaluate physical risks relevant to the technology and the location. The climate risk assessment evaluates of different climate scenarios covering the lifetime of the asset. A risk ranking was provided to give clear insight into potential financial risks for the project. The climatic conditions of Taiwan require tailored risk mitigation and adaptation strategies from the technological and engineering solutions proposed by the Project to address weather extremes and their consequences, such as typhoons and landslides.

 “Everoze provided us with a comprehensive study and recommendations tailored to the technology to be implemented in the local context. We are satisfied with the results, and we look forward to working with Everoze in the future. ” New Green Power 

Everoze’s sustainability work was led by Diana Zadorozhna supported by Ellie van der Heijden and Ragna Schmidt-Haupt.