Everoze releases #SwarmGovernance report, addressing domestic DSR barriers

13th June 2019
Everoze Partners Swarm Governance report


Our domestic energy sector is entering a period of great innovation. In future, anyone will be able to be a producer and a consumer of energy.

Industry is a hive of activity, busily seeking to convert domestic flexibility into a financial honeypot for the consumer. A number of models are being explored: one is domestic energy-as-a-service (EaaS), where consumers pay a fixed monthly fee for services such as comfort, lighting and mobility.

But what are the implications for policy and regulation? This paper maps out the barriers – and forms recommendations for a more agile approach. A truly decentralised energy system calls for decentralised energy decision-making: we need a more dynamic way of governing our energy system.

Informed by workshops and interviews, Everoze argues for #SwarmGovernance, giving practical examples of what this means for domestic EaaS:

  1. Agree lean hive rules, serving the consumer
  2. Freely explore in the field, gathering data
  3. Share data for rapid feedback, swarming on solutions.

Our work forms part of the Core4Grid project, supported by funding secured under the Innovative Domestic Demand-Side Response Competition by BEIS. Core4Grid seeks to demonstrate current market and household acceptance of, and engagement in, the domestic flexible future grid via geo’s Hybrid HomeTM system.  It aims to involve 24 separate homes, and is led by geo, Upside Energy, EDF Energy, HACT, Everoze, UK Power Networks and Cambridge Energy. We’re grateful for the detailed insights and scrutiny of the Core4Grid Consortium to make this paper possible.

Join the swarm: #SwarmGovernance

For any questions, please contact Felicity Jones