ESG and Sustainability

Understanding the necessity of applying an integrated approach so that sustainability risks and requirements are considered alongside technical and commercial risks

At Everoze we appreciate the rapidly increasing amount of legislation and regulations relating to ESG and sustainability and its impact on renewable energy can sometimes feel overwhelming. When it comes to due diligence, it’s a consideration that can fall down the gaps between the technical, legal and commercial teams. We advise investors and developers on the salient sustainability risks and opportunities relating to renewable energy transactions and projects. Our interdisciplinary team of experts has developed industry leading knowledge to provide highly services at the intersection of sustainability and renewable energy. We can help you with:

  1. ESG DD covering environmental, social and governance risks: Lets be clear: companies that effectively manage ESG factors also perform better financially. We take a deep dive into portfolio or organisational ESG performance to identify financial risks and opportunities for your acquisition or investment. When combined with our technical and commercial DD this service provides valuable insights to inform your investment decision.
  2. Sustainable Finance frameworks: Everoze can review projects against the following frameworks to verify they meet sustainable finance criteria.
    • EU Taxonomy alignment reporting: Independent assessment and verification of alignment with EU Taxonomy environmental objectives to assist your reporting requirements.
    • Equator Principles categorisation and full review: Review and categorisation of projects based on the International Finance Corporation (IFC) environmental and social categorisation process.
  3. Climate risk and vulnerability assessments: Comprehensive, location and technology specific, climate risk assessments that predict how climate change will impact asset performance. Our industry leading climate risk assessments are based on in-depth expertise of renewable energy and climate science enabling us to identify the financial risk of climate change and provide actionable recommendations. These assessments are fully aligned with sustainable financing requirements under the EU Taxonomy and Equator Principles.
  4. Supply Chain risk assessment and forced labour review: We evaluate the known and potential risks for negative social and environmental impacts within equipment supply chains and provide advice on how best to mitigate the risks through procurement and the project development process.
  5. Human Rights Impact Assessment: Our experts can help you meet the Human Rights requirements under the Equator Principles by performing and documenting a human rights impact assessment. We ensure your assessments are undertaken at a level of detail appropriate for your project location and technology and include clear outcomes and recommendations.
  6. Carbon impact strategy: We go beyond day-to-day carbon footprint assessments to provide strategic advice on the carbon impact of your renewable energy and flexibility assets and how to optimise it. Our offering includes bespoke support on approaching and determining avoided emissions at project and portfolio level.
  7. Biodiversity: We provide an enhanced focus on biodiversity impacts and risks during the due diligence process ensuring projects and portfolios are developed in line with best practice and legislation.

For more information on how we can help you with your sustainable finance requirements, contact us.

Understanding the necessity of applying an integrated approach so that sustainability risks and requirements are considered alongside technical and commercial risks is key