Are you ready for battery model 2.0? The shock low UK Capacity Market price of £8.40/kW/yr is prompting creative solutions – read Everoze’s analysis here
The latest T-4 auction for the GB Capacity Market closed last week. How did batteries fare this time round? We lay it out for you in 3 graphs.
With a global trend towards the end of subsidies for renewables and demand for green energy increasing year-on-year, a key challenge is how subsidy-free renewable energy projects will be funded.
Is the captured price a relevant indicator and should one take it into account for a project? The answer is yes.
To kick-off 2018, Everoze chose to reflect on last year’s hot topic for the French renewable industry: the new Contract-for-Difference mechanism.
Everoze analysis of 2017 data shows that wind farms in Scotland and Northern England benefited from above average wind speeds – pulling up the overall national average.
As the Everoze team runs out of days in 2017 and charges headlong towards the new year, we thought we’d share a few highlights before powering down for the festive break.
In this new Blog, Joe Phillips wonders whether there is an app to help with wind and solar life extension decisions?
The transition from DNO to DSO is bitingly fundamental. Read Everoze’s views here