The V2G Hub launched today – updating the results from our V2G Global Roadtrip report and makes it a live resource for the industry
Everoze was proud to add our signature to the recent Renewable Hydrogen Coalition letter to the European Commission and wanted to set out our views on the role of grid connected electrolysis. In his latest article, Everoze Partner David Woodhead discusses our reasons why.
In his latest article, Dario Brivio reviews the impact that performance ratio test failures can have on good projects and how to increase confidence in the precision of these tests.
Everoze was delighted to act as technical advisor for the financing and construction of the Kahone and Kael solar power projects which will become the 7th and 8th largest solar power plants constructed in Senegal.
We were delighted to partner with Power Responsive to write this year’s Annual Report, summarising the huge array of developments and key market metrics in Demand Side Flexibility in 2020.
Following on from our role as Technical Adviser on the acquisition of the 30MW portfolio by Profond in February 2017, Everoze has continued to provide support during these past two years.
Offshore Wind and Round 4 – In his latest article, Everoze partner Graeme Wilson shares his thoughts on how the oil and gas majors survival, the growth of the offshore wind industry and the UK’s carbon goals are all now intertwined.
In Graeme Wilson’s latest article about the merging of the offshore wind and oil and gas market, he examines the dilemmas facing oil and gas majors in their race to decarbonise.
Everoze partner Jo de Montgros shares the Everoze strategy for achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2025