As the ink dries on the Paris Agreement, Everoze Partner Joe Phillips takes a bottom-up perspective on a top-down deal.
Everoze Partner, Colin Morgan braves the festive crowds to browse for interesting investment opportunities (albeit with significant risks).
As a die-hard offshore wind advocate, Paul Reynolds welcomes Amber Rudd’s policy reset even if rationality continues to take a back seat.
As Paul Reynolds embarks on his career as an Everoze partner, he takes a trip back to the future for onshore wind in the UK.
Joe Phillips looks at recent trends in the global wind turbine supply market.
At this time of critical change for the renewable energy sector, some of the most experienced and high-profile industry professionals have assembled to create and launch, Everoze – a technical and commercial energy consultancy, based in the UK.
Colin Morgan builds on recent onshore wind insights from Policy Exchange and makes the case for a more rational approach to tip height restrictions.